Vision, Mission, and Values


At BenchStrength Coaching®, we envision a world where every leader has a coach to maximize their performance and every organization is powered by leaders who inspire, empower, and drive positive change.


Our mission is to transform organizations by developing leaders at every level. Specializing in empowering women and early career professionals, we cultivate leadership that creates a ripple effect of growth and success. Through our programs and coaching, we help leaders build relationships to navigate complex work environments, create habits that build resilience and effectiveness in demanding roles, and leverage strengths to lead teams, projects and initiatives successfully and competitively.  We unlock the transformative power of great leadership, enriching workplaces and communities worldwide.

We value

  • Making a difference: creating meaningful, positive impact for our team and clients. 
  • Collaboration: working together, valuing differences, leveraging partnerships.
  • Practicality: solutions that are simple, achievable, action-oriented, sustainable. 
  • Well Being: physical, mental, emotional.
  • Kindness: inclusive, supportive, compassionate, empathetic.

Discover how our programs drive growth and success. Learn more.